The Fruit Diet is the ultimate compassionate diet because you're not killing anything. The Fruit Diet is so FULL OF LIFE it's not even a die-t anymore ~ it's a live-t!
And look at the leaf covering up the top of my bald forehead. I didn't even have to put it there... it was already like that. What a wonderful lovable adorable mulberry leaf it is!
When it's MULBERRY TIME in my back yard I'm under there stuffing purple berries into my mouth one after another after another after another after another! Why not?
They're so good. They make the most outrageous purple smoothie ever! I eat'em every year. They dry on the vines too. Those are totally the best! I wonder how much they'd fetch per pound? Surely a billionaire's movie mix!
My hands just aren't fast enough or dextrous enough to make my mouth happy. My mouth is usually pretty upset with my hands not being able to move fast enough. And those occassion ants really make my mouth mad at my hands!!!
Give a hoot don't pollute ~ WHEN YOU EAT!
I tell teenagers ~ BE CUTE EAT FRUIT!
I tell a more mature crowd ~
And for the ones who want to go berzerk... who want to go plum crazy... who want the world to once again be addiction, pollution and disease free ~ EAT FRUIT EXCLUSIVELY.
After you're done eating there should be Piles O' Pits & Peels ~ NOT POLLUTION. Seeds and skin and that's it.
Anyone saying anything negative about that should shush! Because when a tree's fruit is ripe... that's the time to eat! It's not too complicated is it? Nah. Everything is a whole complete food to something. Fish in the sea... bark off the tree... even rock! Crack a dull rock open and it's shiny inside. But then it gets dull too. Things are eating it. To whatever those things are... rock is a whole food. And I'm talking fruit! Tree's don't go pooh. They drink water and soak up star light! That's mostly what they eat. And they are the ones making us our food. So we travel their seeds a few. So if you're reading this in a defensive way...!!! Why?
Instead of teaching children where the garbage goes... let's show them where the compost goes! Isn't that simple and isn't that smart and doesn't that make sense? It does to me! When I was a kid I didn't know I could do more (much more) for the pollution problem than merely putting my trash with the rest of the trash. Kids even get yelled at for it and kids should never get yelled at for anything ~ especially for playing and for eating. The way kids are designed to eat (adults too) is to eat in the exact same location the food comes from and to simply drop whatever's left-over in exactly the same place.
Or there abouts.
Adults are wrong yelling at kids (for littering on the street) because it should be a fruit orchard and all compost not hot asphalt and all cookie crumbs!
Look at that adorably cute picture of me again and understand I am what I call a Primal Father Figure. I'm an impossible mix of "formidable" and "cute" and part of why I'm here is to yell at the adults who are yelling at children ~ or at least tell them how to start the process of much needed change. I'm one of the very few even talking about it.
Primal Nutrition and Primal Parenting and Primal Living stops the global devastation and starts the process of undoing all the damage that's been done. And yelling doesn't help the situation anyway. Yelling is merely the resulting stress and unbalance caused by the problem and that problem's foundation (as wacky as it may sound) is everybody's favorite... cooked food! The destruction all started A.C.F. Not A.C. ie "after christ" but A.C.F. ie "after cooked food!"
I like using a city bus as an example of what I'm talking about... catching a child by the arm and yanking the child back onto the curb just as they were about to step out in front of the transit bus and be smashed and killed... is an understandable time to yell at children because...
Stepping in front of a city bus is for sure a serious mistake and without doubt cause for alarm but kids everywhere are being yelled at for other things which are no-things at all. STOP YELLING AT CHILDREN! It doesn't maaattteerrr the circumstances. As the frightened parent is yelling because of the "almost" fatal dunderheaded move they just saved their own flesh and blood from making ~ it's still not the child's fault! Yelling doesn't remove the threat or take it away away and they shouldn't be yelled at for it.
Yelling should never be a way of getting
your point across... not to a child.
Keep in mind you're browsing BE CUTE EAT FRUIT DOT COM! And there are no potentially deadly dangers in a fruit orchard ~ none! In a city... deadly danger abounds... BUT NOT IN AN ORCHARD! There ~ children rule supreme. Nothing in the natural world is capable of threatening a child's sovereign freedom ~ not in an orchard. There... they are the SUPER FRUITARIAN POWER! There are millions of deadly dangers in a big city. None in an orchard ~ not one.
Nothing hunts us. We're natural nutrition to no thing. Except of course for the hungry mouths of the microcosm. Decomposers naturally eat us but nothing else. And that's only after we're dead. Unless we're filled with preservatives! Right? And females only need to give birth to one child at a time. That's how they are designed. Two or more is like a surprise! Women only need to grow one at a time. Get it!?? They don't need to make 4 or 5 or 10 or 12 or 100 or 200 or 10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000 to be a successful mother ~ only one. At a time. The Giant Sea Clam splurges out billions of little eggs every time she gives birth because she has to or her kind won't survive to thrive. Right now our children are born into a world of survival horror but they didn't used to be. We are who we are because of our wildly successful mammal animal past and not for any other thing. We're still living in caves! Only they are artificial structures now and not even real caves... you gotta go before the time of cave dwelling... you gotta go B.C.F. (before cooked food). Instead of thinking back tens of thousands of years or hundreds of thousands of years think in terms of MILLIONS of years. Don't have faith in a 'nutrititious' food producing companies who boast being in business for 60 years. Or a hundred years. What could they have figured out compared to what the untold MILLIONS of years have? NOTHING! When you're able to look back to the past with true sight amd then look forward you're able to glimpse into the future all of a sudden. When people look back and all they are able to see is the veiled shroud of mystery there's no hope of peering into the undetermined future with any kind of accuracy at all.
Everything is either a curiosity to a child or it's not. Everything is either something to investigate or nothing to worry about. They aren't designed to live in a domesticated world they are designed to live in a WILD WORLD. The city bus incident is not the child's fault. Warn children of the potential peril of the deadly dangers... but watch them close because children are born to be SOVEREIGN FREE. They are born to run wild and stark raving nude. In our natural~natural world children rule. In our natural~natural world ~ called UTOPIA ~ called PARADISE ~ called THE GARDEN OF EDEN ~ called lots of things... there they rule. There... "fearless" IS the safety standard. A WILD CHILD doesn't just fall out of a tree and break their neck and they don't trip on roots and rocks and things and fall over the sides of cliffs. "Clumsy" is a thing known only to those who wear artificial feet ~ called shoes! And if there is danger... they're aware of it and they know the danger is real and they know exactly what to do about it. If it's run to MOM or back away or step over... they know what to do about it. That's what parenting is for. So a city bus in the wild would be the equivalent to something like a charging rhinoceros or rampaging elephant and what do you get when you cross an elephant with a rhinoceros? Hell if I know or ELEPHRHINO! (:that was a joke:) Feral children don't stub toes and they know exactly what and where all the dangers of LIVING LIFE are.
Wicked-evil, hairy, nasty-looking, wall-crawling creepers ~ like spiders are a mild curiosity to a child and nothing more. It's an amazing learning experience to watch a spider spin it's web from start to finish but it takes a long time to watch and children are short attention span theater all the way! It doesn't take them long to learn something new and they're immediately ready to go on to the next curiosity. And I've seen it. I've watched a spider spin its magic. At that time I had only lost about 50 or 60 pounds and my back happened to be really sore (it usually was). I was sitting on a big rock and I had my lower back pressed up against it because the boulder was HOT. A more efficient heating pad doesn't exist! As I was moaning and groaning because my back was hurting I looked over and I happened to see something sailing through the air. Literally sailing because there was something dragging behind it. I of course investigated and it turned out to be a spider and the sail I saw trailing behind was webbing. The spider actually sailed through the air from a rock to some green leaves of a plant and made the web right there in the air between the two. It didn't hesitate. It didn't make a mistake. Spiders don't have to learn how to make webs... they just make them. The only time it paused was during a few heavier winds and in the next hour or so I watched it spin a whole web. And then it just sat in the middle and waited. I should have waited too because I've been curious how long before the spiders super predator skills snagged some food.
Sinistrous, venomous, fanged-scaley-slimey-slithery-snakes are only a little bit more the curiosity than the spiders. I was lying outside and a snake slithered across my legs and it didn't happen to be moving fast at all. It took 3 or 4 seconds for it to go away ~ and it did. I didn't move and although I was shocked I wasn't scared. There was no fear and neither of us got hurt. BUT I WAS EXHILIRATED! What a rush! Raw Excitement! Nothing's better than a WILD LIFE EXPERIENCE!
And who's really afraid of a completely harmless and totally cute white little field mouse? I ask the question... "Who?" Not elephants that's for sure!!! LOL!!! That's just another absurd lie we grow up being told which only serves to further confuse young impressionable minds. Who's even afraid of a big ugly hairy rat?! Not elephants! Again, that's for sure. How could a rodent hurt an elephant? And a Wild Child isn't afraid either... primal fear is real fear and warns against real dangers. Even baby birds (who are born with wings) are afraid of heights ~ right? That's because they don't know how to fly yet. Primal fear is defense against real threat. Afraid of heights is understandable but how embarrassing it is to be frightened by ~ even terrified of ~ non-threats! Afraid of a bug??? Oh no!!! Afraid of a mouse??? Double "oh no oh no!" Even a big rat with the long freaky looking prehensile naked tail is no threat to anybody. All they do is breed like rats and that's nothing to be afraid of. They don't breed disease as is popularly perceived and they do not deserve to be loathed and despised. "You dirty rat" is a compliment for crying out loud!! LOL! All LIFE on EARTH is of noble birth and deserves the chance to live long and prosper. Rats don't breed disease ~ cooked food does that. The only disease rats know is caused by eating the left-overs people throw into the garbage. Cooking food ~ AND EATING IT! ~ is what breed’s disease. Rats are not health threats... humans are. We are the ones... we are the people who have brought ruin upon the EARTH. Stop blaming rats or blaming anything that's OUTSIDE and put an end to yelling at children.
Without the dedicated, behind-the-scenes, activities of the rodent mammal animal us human mammal animals would be in a whole Heap O' Trouble ~ I tell ya! And the same holds true of everything... even the roach. If you open the window just a little bit the fly will make a getaway. No more fly swatters! Don't squash that bug. The only people Get it? I hope you get it. They are trapped inside and dying trying to get out. There is a way to live without killing anything. Just BE CUTE EAT FRUIT DOT COM! The Fruit Diet is the ultimate passionate diet because you're not killing anything. I heard a wise and wonderful woman named Sangeeta say that and it's quoted exactly (:Hi! Sangeeta:) and it rooted firmly into my consciousness. Bare feet and Good Mood Food to eat transforms the cattle industry and all the people involved into something humane. No more steaks (or tofu burgers!) and what's the leather industry gonna do when people stop wearing shoes? Don't put shoes on babies. LISTEN WHEN THEY CRY. Your baby is talking to you and s/he's saying "I don't like these shoes, they hurt and don't feel good and they're making cry." At the very least... during the period of time your children are learning how to walk... lose the shoes. Kids are designed to go break-neck speeds and fall down but they're small and you just don't fall far when you’re falling off your feet and who gets hurt falling into grass or into sand? Nobody... hardly nobody.
Like a spider web everything is perfectly connected and there are no disposable parts. . There's two ways I guess to look at it. Either the roach is disgusting and ugly and makes your mind fill with loathing and hate "RAID KILLS BUGS DEAD" or they are cute little insect things who have a noble niche in LIFE and who plays an important role in the health of our LIVING EARTH.
Together let's put a stop to all addiction, pollution and disease and to all the suffering and the yelling by simply telling children (and everybody else) to... "Give a HOOT don't pollute ~ WHEN YOU EAT!" That's what wise ol' owls do and we should too.
We have marvelous tools for eating: fingers and nails and lips and teeth and even a nose! We are equipped with everything we could ever possibly need to eat, LIVE LIFE and thrive our whole lives with just our bodies. And it's a perfect set-up so ANYTHING ELSE... anything artificial that helps make our lives more comfortable... does the exact opposite. More is not better and every fruit has a secret it wants to tell you! Peeling is a test of Raw Confection Perfection! When a fruit is ready there's not much (or any) effort involved in the peeling. Peaches, plums, nectarines, tomatoes and grapes (AND MORE!) practically peel all by themselves! All fruit is designed with exact detail with precise specifications and that's us!!! Grape skin practically slides off whole. The flesh pops into your mouth while the skin sheds leaving the entire peel in your fingertips. Pomegranates crack open for you, banana's actually come prepeeled, while passion fruit protects like a treasure chest full of glitter and gold ~ it's contents secure until the lock is broken open. Perfectly ripe persimmon, breadfruit, and cherimoya bursts at the slightest touch and are either completely liquid or are pure pudding in the mouth. The seams of durian section apart easily when it is perfectly ripe with just the pressure of a child's little pinky finger. You don't even have a chance to get into durian when it's unripe! When ready, pineapple conveniently segments apart in a way no one I've yet to encounter has understood.
Eat with etiquette and style but I'm not talking about table manners! Here's a Raw Courage Challenge to you: Do you know how pineapple is designed to be eaten? Barehanded pineapple eating is an extraordinary experience. Revolutionary in fact. Right up there with eating watermelon barehandedly! When perfectly ripe, a small amount of pressure on the individual hexagonal sections break away from the whole into bite-sized, cone-shaped morsels, from skin to core. I'm reminded of the Halloween candy corn I used to stuff into my mouth ~ only slightly larger. BUT this sweet treat is no trick ~ it's the real deal! I'm talkin' Good Mood Food! I'm talkin' guilt free decadence! I'm talkin' about the food our human LIFEFORCE essence is designed to feed on and be fueled by. A perfectly ripe pineapple is something else entirely. It's luscious Living Nutrition! A Paradise Perfection!
Real pineapples have seeds and they are located in the part that is discarded after each barehanded bite. Can you imagine?--there's a future pineapple plant planted with your every bite! Not only that but the crown becomes a whole 'nother plant as well. A discarded crown, lying on its side, will actually stand itself upright and grow wherever you left it (in a natural setting of course). Pineapples mean business and are very serious about their great success. And I almost forgot: as you eat you get mouthfuls of pure juice (that is if you're careful) and what you've got after you're finished is the pineapple's core. And pineapple core is sticky and messy and chewy and fun to eat! Like a dog with a bone…
The Raw Truth of it is this... "if you can't peal it with the greatest of ease you shouldn't be eating it.
Rc Dini wrote this right?
Yes he did!
I miss his presence on the net, but I´m sure he´s happy wherever he is!
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