Food combining revisited

The raw food diet is a pretty strict diet to begin with.
We don't eat bread. We don't eat meat. We don't eat dairy
products. We don't eat eggs (at least most of us don't!)...
and we don't eat most of what other people eat as well.
But on top of that, we have these rules about not being able
to combine certain foods with each other, and how just
eating one food at a time is best.
And I must say, for a long time I subscribed to all of these
rules. But I also knew that not all food combining rules are
For example, the original book "Food Combining Made Easy" by
Dr. Shelton gave a lot of rules with no reasoning at all
behind them.
Also, a lot of people have misinterpreted that book. Because
Shelton said "eat melons on their own", some people think
they should never eat melons with other fruits (such as
peaches), when in fact Shelton clearly stated you could do
Essentially, his rule was meant to avoid the common
combination/abomination in those days of a big slice of
watermelon after of rich meal of meat and pasta.
In my book the "Raw Secrets", I simplified food combining
rules in the raw diet to three essential rules:
- Do not combine fat with sugar

- Do not combine
acids with starch

- Do not combine different types
of fatty foods within one meal
Today, I'm going to simplify these rules even more, and
completely deconstruct the food combining theory!
How I Reconsidered These Rules
For many years, I followed food combining rules blindly
without questioning them. Then I started simplifying them
over the years, and realized that some of them weren't
At this point, I have eliminated most of the "rules" I once
thought were essential.
How did I get to this?
Over the years, I've watched some other raw-foodists eat who
didn't know these food combining rules.
They simply made combinations they liked that tasted good,
without paying too much attention to the combinations like I
My big surprise was to realize that I could eat many
combinations that I thought were "bad" without any negative
effect whatsoever.
The main combination I'm talking about has to do with mixing
fat and sugar together.
Why Certain Combinations Occur in Nature
The idea behind many food combining rules is to simplifying
the process of digestion. So naturally, the "sandwich" is
one of the worst combinations ever, because it combines many
classes of food which are optimally digested in a completely
different acidic or non-acidic environment in the stomach.
In the raw food diet, we naturally avoid most of these
combinations, leaving mainly one: the combination of fat and
The idea behind this rule is that combining fat and sugar,
such as dates and almonds together, will let the sugar
ferment in the stomach.
The reason is simple: almonds and other fats take a lot more
time to digest than simple sugars. If you eat them together,
the sugar you eat will spend much more time in the stomach
and intestines and start to ferment.
So far so good...
But even with that rule, the traditional rules of food
combining allow for certain exceptions. For example, you can
combine acid fruits with nuts together.
The idea is that because nuts digest well in an acidic
environment, acid fruits don't compromise that picture, and
also contain less sugar than other fruits.
This line of reasoning always appeared a little suspicious,
but I noticed that the effects of that combination were
generally positive, as long as I ate very small amounts of
But there's one strange observation:
- Many foods in nature contain the combination of fat and
sugar in significant proportions!
For example, the durian, a beloved fruit of many
raw-foodists, is very rich in sugar and quite rich in fat
(20% on average).
Even avocados contain some sugar and carbohydrates, and so
do nuts.
And surprisingly, all fruits and vegetables contain a
certain percentage of fatty acids.
There are also other fruits in nature that contain this
forbidden mixture of fat and sugar, such as the "Ackee
fruit", popular in Jamaica.
So it seems to me a little strange to completely ban this
combination, when you can enjoy a ripe durian which contains
a mixture of fat and sugar.
Raw-Foodists Eating Too Much Fat
After thinking about this a lot, I realized that most
raw-foodists who benefit from these food combining rules
have something in common: they eat too much fat!
I agree that the combination of a huge handful of almonds
with a bag of dates is a nasty mixture that leads to a lot
of fermentation and gas.
But try eating three dates and three almonds together.
You'll probably find that this combination goes down
perfectly well.
The same goes for other fatty foods:
Eat a huge guacamole and then have all the figs you can eat,
and you probably will experience some gas.
But dice up a third of an avocado in a salad that contains
lettuce and mango, and you'll probably be fine.
So my main observation with the rule of not combining fruit
and fat together has to do with quantities.
When small quantities of fat are used in the diet, there is
no reason to fear combining some fruit with some fatty foods
once in a while.
So my new "rule" is: you can throw in some fruit in a salad
containing some fat. Try to avoid fruits that are very
concentrated in sugar such as dates or dried fruits or
bananas, and instead use juicy fruits. Also, avoid large
quantities of fat.
Eating Fruit is Better than Eating Fat
(in spite of food combining rules)
Another problem with the food combining rules that have been
presented before are the restrictions they pose on people.
Let's say you have a salad that contains some avocado.
According to food combining, you should not eat anything for
several hours after that, or only eat more of the same
ingredients for optimal digestion.
So if you're not satisfied after a meal of salad and avocado
(and most people aren't) because you didn't eat enough fruit
during the day or before the meal, then your only option is
to wait several hours or eat more avocado.
What I recommend now is to eat fruit, whenever you feel like
it or feel hungry, even if the combination is not perfect.
Eating some fruit after a salad containing avocado will be a
LOT better than eating more avocado and more fat after that
same meal.
The Spirit of Food Combining Rules
I still believe in the spirit of food combining rules, which
is about keeping things simple and avoiding long lists of
However, it's probably not necessary to obsess about these
rules, when you can enjoy some simple, tasty and low fat
combinations that will taste great and digest well, even if
they don't follow the rules 100%.
Want to get started with the raw diet?
If you can't wait to get started with the raw food diet and
discover the healthiest way to eat raw, whether it's 100%
raw or mostly raw, get your hands on the Raw Health Starter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Food combining is basically the school of thinking that says we should only eat certain foods together, while avoiding eating others at the same meal. For example, it is widely believed that we shouldn't eat protein together with starchy foods.